Tag Archives: Running

Those Were The Days

After a rather rough day at work recently I called my mom on the way home and as soon as she picked up the phone I blurted out something similar to the following:  “Remember when my most challenging decision of the day was whether to eat the cinnamon pop tart or the smores pop tart?  Ya, I miss those days?”  Mom just laughed and told me it would all be alright.

I do miss those days.  In retrospect I now realize how things were so simple.  Now I face decisions that are much more stressful and can throw my whole world for a loop.  In March we started looking at homes to purchase.  Oh, now that’s stressful!  I’ve never had problems saying yes to a rental, but a home for purchase is a whole different story.  Then there is the daily stress of work and the stress of trying to keep up with friends as our schedules all keep getting busier.

ImageRunning is nice and peaceful, but I’ll admit that even that causes some stress in my life.  When I think about how much time I’ll need to run a few days a week then I realize how that is time that I’m not spending cleaning the house, cooking dinner or making sure Coda is getting attention.  Things were easier when decisions revolved around overly sugared breakfast choices and I’m not ashamed to admit I wish that it could all be that easy again.

I’ve let myself keep getting sucked back into a stressful state and it’s time to do something about it.  I can’t do anything about how long the home buying process will take, so it’s time to stop worrying about it.  We’ll get the house if it is meant to be or we won’t and we’ll go back to looking.  I’m putting everything in the hands of fate.  I’ve always believed that everything happens for a reason, so now it is time to stop worrying about what happens before I lose my sanity.

Instead I’m going to take on some more peaceful DIY crafting projects to distract myself.  With the coupons I used on my last projects I paid only about a third of what I would have paid to buy the dresses.  That seems totally worth the time and effort to me.  Looks like it is time to search the pattern catalogs to see what will be my next targeted creation.  The infinity dress was so easy I feel like nothing can stop me now.  That was the perfect project to get me back into the swing of things.  I’ll post pictures soon of the second dress I wore just recently to a more formal function.

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Expedition Everest Challenge Conquered!

I’m a little behind on my update, but just a little over 2 weeks ago team “D.W.A.R.F.F. Awareness” participated in the Expedition Everest Challenge at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge.  It’s an experience I would highly recommend to anyone interested in a night of fun.

*Sorry for the photo quality on these. The only cameras we had were the one’s on our phones.*

The challenge consists of a 5K race with a few obstacles sprinkled throughout it and then a scavenger hunt throughout Disney’s Animal Kingdom at night.  Once crossing the finish line you get to enjoy a few extra hours in the park to celebrate your accomplishment with fellow racers and a crazy cast of character friends.

Of all the races thus far this was by far the one that I was looking forward to the most (and not just because it was only 3.1 miles).  It was a really exciting experience.  Matt’s motivating pace managed to help me shave quite a bit of time off of my usual run times.  We crossed the finish line for the 5K just a few seconds before the 36 minute mark and for me that is a HUGE accomplishment.

The medal was really cool.  After running the Princess Half Marathon with me, I’m sure Matt was glad that this medal is a bit more manly.  It has a fully functioning compass incorporated into it.  He was like a boy scout playing with the medal while we waited in line to ride Expedition Everest.  It seemed like the natural choice after conquering the challenge.  I fully recommend this event to anyone just starting out with the Run Disney events.  It’s fun, gives you a good taste of the atmosphere these events have, and you only have to make it through 3.1 miles.

Next up for us will be the Tower of Terror 10 Miler in September.  Right now I’m adjusting to running in Florida in the summer.  When I started training last year it was already starting to cool down, so running in the thicker humidity and higher temperatures has been a big adjustment.  I’m bound to not let it deter me.  Now that Matt’s helped me to decrease my per mile time, I’m really looking forward to seeing how my time improves for the 10 miler.  This is where I cross my fingers and hope for my knee to hold itself together while I take on another longer race.  I know I’ll have Matt there by my side cheering me on, or holding me up, so I’m eager to get back out there and take on another challenge.  I’m fighting like hell through my Fibromyalgia challenges and refusing to give up!

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Filed under Taking Charge of One's Health

Ever Heard Of Good Ol’ Exercise?

I don’t mean to be crass, but the trends for dieting are getting out of hand.  Most of the options that have come to light can barely be considered “dieting” as I equate that with sweating from exercise and following a healthy eating plan.  Now you don’t have to do either of those.

On the radio this morning they were talking about a new diet fad that is crossing the pond from Europe and happening right here in my own state.  Then I get to work and I see a link to articles about it when I open up my web browser. A quick search later and I find that TIME’s online magazine, The New York Times, ABC and Fox News are all covering this breaking news story.  SERIOUSLY?!?!  After being in disbelief, I can think of a handful of other ladies sitting in the cubicles around me that would totally be filling out a $1,500 check to make this happen ASAP.

ImageIt’s called the KE Diet or the “feeding tube diet.”  Oh yes, you read that right.  It is being marketed directly to brides as a way to lose 20 pounds in 10 days.  Sounds so simple.  All you have to do is walk around with feeding tubes shoved up your nasal cavity and down into your stomach that continually pump protein-only liquid meal replacements into your belly 24 hours a day for 10 days.  I’ll tell you what, who wouldn’t want to look at their soon-to-be bride with those nasal tubes just a few weeks before their wedding nuptials?  You’ve got to be kidding me.  How about hitting the gym and creating healthy living habits for your future instead of tricking your body into shedding the pounds.

Check out the video and let me know if I’m the only one who is finding this to be crazy.  I know not everyone is a fan of running, swimming, dancing, playing sports or just plain going to the gym.  I can recognize that fact.  To be honest, most days I’m not a fan of running until I get out there and am in the midst of doing it and can leave all of the stress of my day behind me and just enjoy myself.  I do it because I know that I have to for my health and that each day is more manageable for my Fibromyalgia if I just keep moving.

Will you be one of the first in line at the South Florida office for the KE Diet?  If not, what do you do to keep your healthy lifestyle going?


Filed under Dance, Friends, Taking Charge of One's Health

Ready…Set…D.W.A.R.F.F. Awareness!

Today was the day ladies and gentlemen.  Oh yes, we got up at 4:15 AM and prepared for the trek that was ahead.  “What trek?” you might be asking.  Well, as I mentioned in a blog post late last year, Matt and I agreed to take on our first 5K together and this morning was an amazing experience.  It was on my 25st birthday that I ran my very first 5K after losing a bet.  I ran it alone and although it was an interesting first experience I wasn’t motivated to do another one any time soon.  Until now!

We rolled out of bed at an unnatural hour, but managed to pull it together and get to Disney in time for the Family Fiesta 5K.  It was barely 40 degrees, which isn’t exactly something that my Fibromyalgia agrees with, but we toughed it out with 7,998 other people who were waiting to step up to the starting line.  The music was blasting, the DJ was cracking jokes and I was excited to get going.  Team “D.W.A.R.F.F. Awareness” sure lived up to their name (Dancing, Walking and Running For Fibromyalgia Awareness).

When we first talked about the 5K I told Matt I wanted to beat my run time from 2008 of 42 minutes.  He agreed it would be possible and has been training with me to ensure that it happened.  This morning I managed to run each mile in about 13 minutes and did squash my last run time!  When I proposed this idea it was to get my head back into the game and remind myself that I’m can still do things.  My diagnosis of Fibro was one that made me smile as I finally knew what was going on, but being an active person it made me feel as if I was losing myself.  This morning was a reminder that I’m still me deep down inside.  Although the recovery time is a little longer now then it used to be, I still had it in me.

In purple from head to toe for my support of Fibro, Matt and I crossed the finish line hand-in-hand smiling the whole way.  It’s just 6 weeks from now that we’ll be facing the Disney Princess Half Marathon and this Sunday we start pushing our training so I’ll be able to get through that.  I have no race time goal for the next run as just completing it is one of the biggest accomplishments in my world.  The next six weeks will be tough, but I’m excited and ready for the challenge!


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